The construction crew of the new hospital research building worked all night long last night, pouring the concrete slab on the top floor. Every time Benjamin woke up to urinate,… Continue Reading Day 756/128
Tag: kidneys
Day 658/30
It doesn’t look like we’ll be going home any time soon. Benji was pleased to wake up unhooked from his fluids again. He usually gets up to empty his bladder… Continue Reading Day 658/30
Day 624
They found leukemia blasts in Benjamin’s blood today. I hate that I am typing this right now. I’ve only recently stopped shaking enough to do so. The details of the… Continue Reading Day 624
Day 292
We slept, and slept, and slept some more last night. Michael got Banyan ready for school this morning and we woke up to see them off, then Benji crawled back… Continue Reading Day 292
Day 286
Benji’s lips hurt again last night, and he just couldn’t leave them alone. We didn’t get much sleep up here on the seventh floor. Sarah spent the night with us… Continue Reading Day 286
Day 285
Benjamin is no longer in isolation. He has been fever free for well over 24 hours, and his latest swab came back negative for rhinovirus–he doesn’t even have a common… Continue Reading Day 285