“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” ~Thich Nhat… Continue Reading Day 768/140
Tag: fear
Day 760/132
“Stand up straight and realize who you are, that you tower over your circumstances. You are a child of God. Stand up straight.” ~Maya Angelou These words saved me today.… Continue Reading Day 760/132
Day 755/127
Benjamin’s procedures have all been completed safely. He slept comfortably through almost everything. Now, we wait, as we have done so many times before. I stayed awake through Benjamin’s first… Continue Reading Day 755/127
Day 752/124
and everything seems to have gone terribly wrong that can but one breath at a time is an acceptable plan she tells herself and the air is still there ~ani… Continue Reading Day 752/124
Day 722/94
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and where we spend the holiday night is still very much up in the air. Benjamin and I both slept long and well last night. When… Continue Reading Day 722/94
Day 658/30
It doesn’t look like we’ll be going home any time soon. Benji was pleased to wake up unhooked from his fluids again. He usually gets up to empty his bladder… Continue Reading Day 658/30