The construction crew of the new hospital research building worked all night long last night, pouring the concrete slab on the top floor. Every time Benjamin woke up to urinate,… Continue Reading Day 756/128
Tag: stomach pain
Day 753/125
It was still dark this morning when Benjamin woke up wincing. He said he’d had a bad dream. I asked him to tell me about it, he said he forgot, and went… Continue Reading Day 753/125
Day 752/124
and everything seems to have gone terribly wrong that can but one breath at a time is an acceptable plan she tells herself and the air is still there ~ani… Continue Reading Day 752/124
Day 743/115
Our path looks much more clear today. The National Institutes of Health considers Benjamin a viable candidate for their CAR-T clinical trial targeting the CD22 protein. It’s such a relief to… Continue Reading Day 743/115
Day 739/111
Benji is sleeping next to me. He is pleasantly exhausted from a long, busy day that went very well. Benji was a little nervous this morning and his tummy hurt.… Continue Reading Day 739/111
Day 737/109
It sure was nice to make breakfast in my own kitchen this morning. Benjamin woke up feeling strong. He was hungry and ready for action. He was excited to eat, but… Continue Reading Day 737/109