Everything seemed to takeĀ forever today. I don’t know how much of this is based in reality and how much stems from my own anxiety. Benjamin has received his three doses… Continue Reading Day 758/130
Tag: cyclophosphamide
Day 757/129
Benjamin was sitting on the toilet at 3am. He had just vomited and the basin was still full at my feet. His head rested on my belly while I held… Continue Reading Day 757/129
Day 748/120
Benjamin and I woke up during the morning blood draw. It was still dark. Our nurse had to do a cap change on Benjamin’s IV line because he got transfusions… Continue Reading Day 748/120
Day 747/119
We’re back on the seventh floor. It’s where we need to be right now. I’ve felt terrified, angry, guilty, relieved, and grateful today. Sitting here to write this feels exhausting,… Continue Reading Day 747/119
Day 691/63
Benjamin’s fever rose and fell throughout the night, and into the day. At morning lab draw, our nurse took a blood culture. Nothing has come back positive for bacterial growth.… Continue Reading Day 691/63
Day 688/60
Benjamin didn’t sleep very well last night. His side was hurting intensely after yesterday’s platelet transfusion. I woke up before he did, when our day shift nurse came in to… Continue Reading Day 688/60