I think everyone was a little tired this morning, but we all hit the ground running. Michael went to his breakfast meeting and the boys got ready for school. After drop-off, I needed a recharge. I went to the gym. It felt so good to be back.
I still checked the pill box multiple times this morning (though the workout did wonders for the tightness accumulating in my chest). I finally wrote about my paranoia in the moms’ group. It is quite common, as I expected. One mom told me about an app, Mango, for managing multiple medications. I’m checking it out. So far it doesn’t quite work for Benji’s complex schedule, but I like it because each new medicine I input spits out a list of contraindications. That’s very handy. Time will tell if the app helps, or just adds one more thing to manage. Really, we have a great system in place, and it hasn’t failed us for 459 days. There is no reason for me to feel this way. I need to get it in check. Even tonight, not two minutes after I watched Benji take his medicine, I was looking in the Monday night compartment and hunting in the trash for the empty paper cup, just to be sure.
Banyan didn’t have his best day at middle school, either academically or socially. I was grateful that he came to me with his struggles and assured him that they were not beyond his capability to handle. We talked about some tools he could use if these common sixth grade obstacles present themselves again. I felt his confidence rise as the evening progressed. Benji had his make-up baseball game this evening. Our team lost again, but they played a great game. Benji’s fear has fully returned at the plate. He is backing away from nearly every pitch. I remind him that nothing is stronger than he is, and suggest he channel some of his Jedi mind tricks. I can see that he wants to overcome this so badly. We’re hitting the batting cages again tomorrow.
After the game, Michael and I were heading out of the field, and turned around to find Banyan pitching to Benji. “I’m not leaving until he gets a hit,” Banyan said. Of course, with his brother pitching, Benji smacked the ball into the next practice field. We all left smiling.
Had to catch up. Busy with work and T-Ball here. Happy everything is going well. Love and Prayers