Everyone in our house did exactly what brought them peace this morning. Michael and Benjamin woke up before dawn to go fishing (Benji practically sprang out of bed). I loaded up my paddleboard and went for a sunrise solo venture through the mangroves and into the Gulf. And Banyan, the pre-teen, took advantage of his recently gained stay-home-alone independence–and slept in.
Before Benjamin shipped off with his daddy I gave him his Saturday Septra. He still needs to take this weekly antibiotic, even while on a chemo hold. His absolute neutrophil count (ANC) has been trending high since he started maintenance, but it could plummet just like his platelets did. The Septra is designed to prevent pneumococcal infections during times when his defenses are down. (I never thought I’d be a proponent of preventative antibiotics.)
Banyan spent the afternoon with friends, and Michael and Benji picked me up on the boat to join Kathy, Gana and Bob for a round of seafood chowder at a favorite waterside restaurant. On the way to the restaurant Benjamin and I sat together near the front of the boat while Michael drove us through the choppy Gulf. I was so happy to be sitting with him, laughing together at each big bump in the ride. I didn’t want to interrupt the moment to take a picture, but I promised myself I’d commit its magic to memory.
In the afternoon, once the Gator game was lopsided enough to walk away, I compiled the family history that Moffitt asked us to send them before our appointment on Tuesday. Our families have been so helpful. On the surface, it doesn’t look like a clear pattern has emerged on each side, though there are cancers that are more prevalent in certain generations than others. Maybe we will get new information with Tuesday’s appointment and our blood testing. But I imagine there will always be quite a bit of mystery behind this diagnosis.
The boys have a friend over to spend the night, and they’ve asked for a late night Pokemon hunt. Off we go!