Day 319

Michael left early this morning for his Monday breakfast meeting. We woke up when he kissed us goodbye, and we started our week running. Benji and I got Banyan off to school, then returned home to dig into a Thanksgiving project he has due on Wednesday. Benji stayed home with me today. I couldn’t keep quiet about my feelings on the FluMist either–I wrote this letter to the editor in today’s paper. I am not finished fighting that battle by a long shot.

We made the most of our “day off,” and got all of the written portion of Benji’s first real school project completed. Then I decided to treat him to a field trip. I ran into my friend Kate last week at the health food store. She has recently moved onto a nice piece of land and is starting her own small family farm. The bold decision fascinated me, and I thought it would be super fun to take Benji out there and explore her operation today. I was right. We learned so much! She has chickens and ducks of several varieties, sweet milking goats, two farmhand dogs, two beautiful children who help take care of the animals, and a cow on the way. Not to mention a spectacular vegetable and flower garden. We were sent home smiling with arms full of fresh flowers and herbs, and I was completely inspired to interact more fully with the patch of land beneath us.

In the afternoon we did chores, then got Benji ready for playoff baseball. Tonight’s game was the semifinal. We suited him up, scooped up Banyan, then hit the fields. Benji’s team lost by a single run. They were all crushed–all but Benji. He looked quite happy. I know he would have enjoyed a championship win, but just being out there, putting his glove on the ball at third, crossing first base more than he has to pass it by…it’s a major victory. Spring ball is in just a few short months. He’ll be ready.

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