Day 157

I’m thankful for this Sunday. My children are exhausted from hours and hours of play, including two swimming pools, many games of basketball, and a runaway toad. We enjoyed a delicious Sunday brunch with our family. My kitchen is freshly stocked with healthy food for the week. Projects have been tackled and good music has been played. I have busied myself with many things today. As I drink my tea and prepare for bed, I will try to keep at bay the worry that I’ve felt lurking beyond the busy-ness, waiting for space to enter.

Benjamin vomited this morning as we were preparing to go to his Grammy and Noni’s house for brunch. I gave him some Kytril and a warm bath, and waited. It was an isolated incident. He told me he’d been looking in the pantry for a snack, and came across some of the food we’d packed for his last hospital stay. I believe the memory of the food in that room on the seventh floor triggered his nausea. This was heartbreaking to me. When we came home from brunch, I cleaned the entire pantry.

I have the luxury of looking forward to the week ahead. Both boys will be home with me all week, and judging from Benjamin’s treatment schedule for the rest of the summer, this should be our easiest week together before Banyan leaves for camp in July. We have a clinic appointment tomorrow. I’ll be curious to see where Benjamin’s immunity stands. With that knowledge, I’ll be able to loosely plan some summer fun for my boys.

Gratitude over fear, always.

4 thoughts on “Day 157

  1. I can sympathize with certain foods triggering nausea. I still can’t drink or eat certain things that I was only able to eat when I was pregnant. Lots of love to you all!!!

  2. I’m Happy everyone is happy and handling thing best as they can. Thank for the posts.
    Love You Guys

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