Today was a Lemonade Stand whirlwind. There are silent auction items covering my dining room table and handmade posters on the floor. My ears are ringing from being on the phone so much. I have lists upon lists piling up everywhere. And I have on the horizon the satisfaction of paying it forward; of handing to Miaya’s family just a small part of the kindness that was handed to us, and handing to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation enough money for a substantial amount of research funding.
Benji’s steroid pulse is in full swing. His cheeks are bright red and puffy, he’s hungry, and his energy level is high–but it’s all manageable. Banyan is really helping with the energy piece of it. Things feel good in this house. I am enjoying the high energy of both the boys and the fundraiser countdown. I will also enjoy the calm and peace that will follow when both lemonade stand and steroid pulse are over.