Today was so busy I didn’t even snap a photo. Busy in that wonderfully normal way.
Tomorrow we will break away from this reality and return to All Children’s Hospital. Benjamin will have his port accessed and his blood drawn. If his counts are good, he’ll proceed with his monthly dose of intravenous Vincristine, and he’ll begin a new round of steroids. His oral chemotherapy will not increase this month, but a baseline ANC will combine with next month’s report to determine future dosage. We’ll also look closely at his liver numbers. We aren’t seeing Dr. Oshrine tomorrow, so I may save the discussion on further genetic testing for another time.
In the car today, Benji asked me to give him the run down of what he was having done tomorrow, which I did. He said with a sigh, “I’d rather have an LP than get my port accessed.” This doesn’t make sense (and he knew it), because his port has to be accessed for LP’s also. He was just trying to come up with a point of comparison for how little he is looking forward to the moment the needle enters his chest.
Benji will rock it like he always does, and I’ll stand in awe of him. We’ll both take the advice he gave to little Miaya: “Don’t think about it. Try to stay calm. It hurts more when you think about it.”
I’m way far behind in my blog reading. I love hearing how your sweet boy processes all that he is experiencing.
I always remind Jaxon that all the thinking and worrying about the poke is way worse than the actual poke itself!