Today was so fulfilling. I was surrounded by blessings from morning to night. Yesterday’s sadness felt well processed, and the exhaustion that followed was handled by a good night’s sleep.
The day began with fresh worry, however. A local little girl with leukemia, also in Maintenance, whose mother comes to tea with me, was admitted to the hospital last night with fever. This morning, x-rays showed pneumonia. I kind of couldn’t believe it. I checked in with the mother throughout the morning and felt so relieved when she told me they were being sent home with antibiotics.
My mother, sister, niece and nephew are all visiting for Mother’s Day weekend. Kathy and Gana joined us to make one mighty cheering squad for Banyan’s doubleheader: football followed by basketball. Both games were super exciting last minute victories and Banyan played his heart out. Few things make me happier than watching his joy.
Benji felt great all day today, except for a very brief tummyache in the morning. In the afternoon we packed a picnic and went to the beach to catch the sunset. Michael and the boys completely floored me with the most amazing Mother’s Day gift ever, and we ended the night with three generations making rainbow stars at my dining room table. Tomorrow we celebrate with Kathy and Gana and a day on the water. I am fully aware of my great fortune. I try not to question it. I just give thanks, over and over again.