Benji no longer has to stay after school with Mrs. Smith. He is all caught up. He made the Honor Roll for the first quarter, despite his being absent for three weeks plus. He walked into class with his Thanksgiving project today, just like everyone else. I picked him up when the bell rang, just like everyone else.
Today I was able to focus more intensely on Benjamin’s detoxification plan. I studied a little more about some of the medicines he’s been taking and which nutrients they deplete from the body. I made some elderberry gummies for him and Banyan to help stave off the flu, though I admit they were an epic fail. I continue to research essential oils and plant-based support for Benji’s healing cells. The time and space to do this feels so empowering for me.
Banyan had a friend over after school today and the boys played in the street until dark. Homework was completed, dinner was served, we played our nightly game of “Two Truths and a Lie.” We cleared the table and I read to the boys for an hour. I am grateful for this space to record these moments. Before leukemia, they went unrecorded, fading into the grey matter, beyond memory.