Day one of camp for Benji is in the books, and it was wonderful. He was a camper like all the rest, with a lunchbox and his swim trunks in his cubby. I don’t think any of the other campers know his medical history. He’s not even the youngest in the group. Just one of the pack.
Sarah is an amazing art teacher. When I returned from my work day at a local coffee shop, I saw the kids’ creations all lined up on a table: gorgeous layered paintings on blocks of wood. Benji’s was a sunset scene, one that will hang proudly in our house soon.
The effects of the steroid pulse are waning slightly. Benji’s belly is puffy and he still has food on the brain, but his cheeks aren’t flushed and his sharpness is softening. He was very responsible today to put drops in his ears after the kids hiked to the pool. He is sleeping soundly now and I know he looks forward to more tomorrow.
Banyan is certainly growing up and Benjamin is going to right there with him. I’m proud to have Nephews like them. The Gilkey strength amazes me. Love and Prayers