Day 177

Banyan is celebrating his eleventh birthday today with his third annual sleepover / boat / inner tube / beach / pool/ pizza / laser light / basketball / pancake breakfast party at his Grammy and Noni’s house. What is currently warming my heart beyond belief is watching him include Benjamin in the big kids’ festivities. Boys are playing pool, air hockey and ping pong, and Banyan is lying on the floor with Benjamin, teaching him how to play a game. He wants to be included so badly. To be normal.

There were a few moments this morning when I was worried that Benji wouldn’t be able to join the others for the fantastic voyage. He said he didn’t feel well several times. While Michael and I were loading up the truck, the house was oddly silent; I looked for Benjamin and he was sleeping in his bed. It was not yet noon.

But Benjamin’s discomfort, much like the morning rain, came and went quickly, making way for smooth sailing ahead. We are so fortunate to be able to celebrate Banyan’s birth in this incredible way, year after year. I’m so proud of him, and proud of the company he chooses to keep.

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